Girls aren't good at math

I have never been very good, when it comes to the numbers. In my school days, Math, as a subject, always horrified me with its outer and inner depths. Every new chapter pushed me into doubting about my ability. I just waited it to be over. Somewhere I was convinced that after the school, Math could never be a part of my daily routine. The world anyway is a complex place, so why anyone would want Math to be a part of their lives. I dreaded the equations and formulas related with distance, volume and cube, which turned more complicated when it came to integration, differentiation and log. Despite this, I decided to do a Master's in Economics. 

The journey with math, which I thought was over, became now a part of my everyday life. The subject which I had made myself aloof from, was now gaping into my face - without these basic concepts, understanding Economics was impossible. The saying that, the more you try to run away from something, the more you are nearing it, became a reality for me. 
Notably, the current situation hasn't changed much, but something within me towards Math has shifted. Now I don't run away from those difficult concepts, formulas and equations, but wait it to challenge me, because I believe I am born capable.

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