I only had one choice...

When being strong is your only choice, you suddenly realise how strong you are. I was at the verge of an emotional breakdown and had no clue how to move forward in life and even doing the daily activities seemed so heavy and overwhelming. 

Waking up daily and facing the world began to feel like an enormous burden. I began to doubt my own capabilities and my very survival. People have led me to believe that I am not fit enough to survive in my work, or that because I am too sensitive and weak. I was advised to hide my emotions and be more resilient like others to fit in the so-called culture'. 
I would beat myself up everyday, before I finally understood that I should be my own support system and that there is nothing wrong with being different than others. 
I understood that people will judge anyway, no matter what I do. I came to the realization that if I am true to myself and embrace who I am, the rest will follow automatically. 
All of this didn't come easy to me; I sought help from friends and well-wishers. But most importantly, I learned to believe in myself and my abilities. 

Now I can handle any situation in my life because I am #borncapable. 

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